Cafe Berlin is proudly located in downtown Columbia, missouri. 

From the owner and executive chef: 

One day I found myself feeling a creative drive emerge in me to invent dishes. I would often see a dish or be eating something and find myself with ideas like….man, that’d be good with an egg on it.

                                          Food has always been important to me.

I remember helping my mother in the kitchen as a child and how I was always asking questions about cooking and how it worked. I think my mother was the first chef I worked under, though she could be hard to follow at times. For one, she never measured anything. I remember having to pay close attention to her pinches and handfuls and flour-bag sprinkles if I were to have any hope in hell of recreating what she was doing. And perhaps most importantly, I began to catch on that she didn’t always know what she was doing herself. I would find myself wondering exactly what she was making and then discovering she could suddenly take her normal wheat bread and decide to add raisins and cinnamon or nuts and cranberries or herbs and spices or cheese and meat.

And it hit me. Somewhere deep and real:

Cooking was a collaboration between heart and desire and not merely a rote list of directions and ingredients. I realized that recipes were more like snapshots or doodles than doctrine–more than free to interpretation. I think the cafe began there; in my mother’s kitchen and in that long ago learned lesson about way more than just food.

Cafe Berlin started with the basic idea that by committing to making honest, real and simple food we would be successful. We use real whole ingredients; from real organic Vermont maple syrup to organic grains, beans and flours and absolutely no high fructose corn syrup. We use organic and local meats, local produce as much as possible, local, organic milk and we also strive to support other local businesses from our partnership with Fretboard Coffee to the many local farmers and producers in Mid Missouri.




(573) 441 - 0400



220 N. 10th Street
Columbia, MO

